
CareGiver for Alton & Bordon / Community Champion


A little bit about Jo:

Jo joined the Right at Home family back in 2022, as she was looking for something different compared to her previous office job, and has excelled ever since! She is willing to help in any way she can, and ensures she is always kind-hearted and considerate. In her spare time, Jo enjoys knitting; she learnt this skill back in her early 50s, and finds it very relaxing.

As well as picking up care calls, Jo is our Alton and Bordon Community Championship in which she runs some of our local community groups, such as Singing For the Mind, our Sunflower Cafe, and Time Together! In fact Jo has even said her proudest moment since working for Right at Home was 'being told attending the singing for the mind group makes a lady's week!". 


Can you share a bit about your background and what you did prior to joining Right at Home?

I worked for a Christian Charity for 24 years- my work was mainly in admin and publicity but when required I covered catering, hospitality etc.


What inspired you to join Right at Home?

I liked their approach and values.


What do you enjoy or find most rewarding about your role?

Knowing that I am making a difference, no matter how small! Seeing a client who was a little low when you arrive and then after spending time with them - seeing them smiling and laughing is so very rewarding; sometimes we're the only person they will see in that day and listening to them is really important.


What’s your favourite way to unwind after work?

A short walk with the dog and then watching a good film with my husband.


What’s your favourite thing about working with your colleagues?

I love the diversity, wealth of knowledge & experience they bring from their different walks of life.


If you were stranded on a desert island, which three items would you want to have with you and why?

My crochet, knitting and Greek yoghurt ice cream - I like to have something to occupy my mind and hands. Greek yoghurt icecream is my favourite thing atm - memories of a recent holiday!


A favourite story since working for Right at Home:

We asked Jo to share her favourite story of her time working Right at Home and it really is heartwarming - she goes onto say that she "worked with a client who had memory issues due to cancer on the brain and one day during the call I asked her what she would like to do that day. I was shocked by her answer when she said she wanted to wash my car!". Jo goes onto say that at first I didn't feel this was appropriate as I was there to help her, but she was very determined. I let her take the lead, whilst mindfully overseeing her wash my car, and she was delighted with the outcome." Jo rounds of her story by saying "I realised afterwards how much this had uplifted her and empowered her."


What would you say to somebody thinking about applying for a job at Right at Home?

"Take the plunge - you may never look back"!