Homecare in Hook

- Basingstoke
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- Areas We Cover
- Homecare in Hook
Homecare in Hook for adults and the elderly
Our homecare services cover Hook and the surrounding area including the villages of Rotherwick and Newnham.
Clients in this area have included those requiring support with companionship, respite, dementia and physical disability. Our full range of homecare services is of course available. We know our great CareGivers will provide whatever care is required to their usual high standards.
What others say about our service
A review from one of our client's wife encapsulates the quality of our homecare services and the trust people place in what and how we do things:-
‘ My husband had a major stroke in November 2021 he was in hospital till March 2022 on his arrival home Right At Home came in to supply care. I have nothing but very high praise for the Manager and all her team we have had first-class care from Right at Home. Communication is absolutely the best, I could not pick out one particular carer that has come to care for my husband because they have all been magnificent. The Manager has supported me and my husband to the highest standard possible. Now the time has come that my husband and I and our sons, can manage on our own. Without the carers from Right At Home and the Manager herself this would not have been possible without their dedicated help and support ‘.
Read more reviews from homecare.co.uk here.
Live In Care
Alongside our hourly based homecare, we also offer a fully managed Live In care service. We source and manage Live In CareGivers to ensure the quality of care is delivered to our high standards whilst providing the support to the Live In CareGiver that can be so important in ensuring the service matches the client needs.
If we can be of any assistance please call is on 01256 830670 or alternatively use the contact us button below.