5 star employer 2023

Published: 05/06/2023
Right at Home Bournemouth and Poole has been awarded a 5* Employer Award for 2023. This award followed its network’s annual anonymised Carer Satisfaction Survey results, administered by the independent research company, Workbuzz.
All of of Right at Home Bournemouth and Poole’s CareGivers took part (47 total) in the Satisfaction Survey and highlights from the report include:
- 100% of carers strongly agreeing that their supervisor or someone at work is considerate and cares about my needs.
- Great comments including, “It is the most rewarding job I have ever done, I am well supported by all the office staff and my clients all appreciate everything I do to keep them safe and supported at home,” and, “Our boss and managers care about us, with our bonus schemes and raffles for working extra makes you feel even more appreciated for what we do.”
Speaking on the results of the CareGiver Satisfaction Survey, Andrew Davis, Managing Director of Right at Home Bournemouth and Poole said, “We are fortunate to have an incredible team of CareGivers, supported by a management team whose dedication to caregiver welfare is on par with how hard they concentrate on making sure the clients.”
Steven Frost, CEO of WorkBuzz, said: “Through the WorkBuzz 5 Star Employer awards, we are able to recognise employers who are truly leading employee engagement to improve the working lives of their people.”
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