Making home care more sustainable

Published: 06/03/2025
As providers of homecare, we have the privilege of helping our clients out with all sorts of tasks. We all know that many tasks around the home generate waste and we all want to reduce the impact of our waste but one of the challenges of health care activities is that PPE, medication containers and other disposable items are not all recyclable.
This meant we were excited to discover a couple of schemes to recycle medication foils. For a few months now we've been taking foils to Superdrug shops that have pharmacies - please note that Superdrugs without pharmacies cannot accept the foils to recycle.
We've now discovered that Aldi has a medication foil recycling service that can be accessed by freepost labels. If you want to get involved and see the procedure you need to follow and the limits on how many foils can be sent at a time, click here.
We will be promoting this service with our clients. Why don't you share the news with your friends and on your socials?
A great source of recycling information locally is Win On Waste. Visit Win On Waste to find out even more ways to get involved with recycling locally.