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I started working for Right at Home October/November 2017 as I needed a job that fit around my family life as well as bringing in a higher income than what I was earning in the job I had at the time.

Throughout the years as a care assistant I have met some amazing people who have praised me for things that seem so small but for our clients its a world of difference and I still get that lovely feeling when I see a smile because of something | or 1 of our lovely ladies I work alongside have done, I have also advanced my portfolio with extra qualifications that Right at Home paid for and provided the tutors, I increased my hours as my children grew and was given the opportunity to become a field care supervisor, which I sadly had to step down from a year later because family life changed again but at every stage of my life in the last 6 years I have been supported in a job I absolutely love, I have 3 wonderful kids and 3 beautiful grandbabies 1 of which lives with me, l'm also the registered carer for my parents which l've been doing for many more year than I wish to count, I'm a nutshell my life is care and I couldn't be happier.