Where is the best place for someone living with Dementia?

Published: 10/03/2023

Where is the best place for living someone with dementia?

As our loved ones age, we often have to make tough decisions about their care. For family members with dementia, this can be an especially daunting task. There are a lot of different factors to consider when choosing the best care option, and it's important to get as much information as possible before making a decision. 

In this blog post, we'll explore some of the different options available for people with dementia, and help you choose the best option for your loved one.

What kind of care facility is best?

The best place for someone with dementia is in a care facility that is designed specifically for their needs. There is no universal answer to this question, as everyone is unique. One of the most important considerations to make when caring for an elderly loved one with dementia is finding a suitable place for them to live. 

Helping dementia patients to remain in their own home is often a priority, as this will allow them to stay in familiar surroundings. Rather than move them into a care facility, you can bring the care facility to them with live-in care. 

This will not only cater to their physical care needs but also provides specialised services and activities that are tailored to meet their cognitive and emotional needs. Such care arrangements offer staff members who are trained in understanding, managing and dealing with issues that arise with dementia. 

With live-in care, you’ll have someone in your home around the clock, ensuring those with dementia are safe and monitored in case of any health concerns or emergencies. It is important to understand that caring for a loved one with dementia can be challenging, though it is also comforting to know that when selecting the right place for them, all aspects of their physical, mental and emotional wellbeing will be taken into consideration.

How to choose the right care arrangement

There are many factors to consider when choosing a care facility, including location, cost, and services offered. When selecting a care facility, it is important to take the time to evaluate all the potential options. 

Consider aspects such as location, cost, and services offered - these factors should be weighed against your individual needs. If either you or your loved one are relocating for care, you will want to factor commute time into your decision. Assessing the cost of different facilities and understanding what is covered in each package is essential; this could affect not only budgeting but also availability of particular medical or therapeutic treatments and services. 

Finally, quality of services can vary greatly across care facilities so do not hesitate to inquire about the qualifications of staff and other details that may influence quality of life or recovery possibilities. Knowing the parameters can provide assurance that you have chosen the most suitable option for you or your loved one.

What factors are the most important in making a decision?

The most important thing is to make sure that the person with dementia is comfortable and safe. Caring for a person with dementia can be a difficult job, but it is important to always focus on what matters most: the comfort and safety of the individual. 

This means creating an environment that is familiar and comfortable, talking to them in a soothing manner, helping them remember what they already know but may have forgotten, and engaging them in activities that they enjoy. 

It also means taking extra precaution while they are out in public or where there could be any potential hazards. Although providing care for someone with dementia can be challenging, remembering to prioritise their comfort and safety above all else will always yield the best results.

What resources are available to help you choose?

There are many resources available to help you choose the best care facility for your loved one. Finding the right care facility for your loved one can be a stressful and difficult process. Looking into all the options, visiting different facilities and understanding what each offers is a daunting task. 

However, there are many resources available to help you along the way. You can start by speaking with friends, family or even your local doctor for advice and guidance. Additionally, many organisations and websites provide valuable information on long-term care homes as well as tips on how to tour them and assess their services.

Most importantly, you should trust your gut instinct when making this important decision. Remember that ultimately you know what's best for your loved one and finding the perfect place for them can help ensure quality of life for both of you.

We can arrange a home visit to help you to decide if live-in care is the right choice for you. If you have a spare room in your home and would like your loved one to be able to stay in familiar surroundings, then live-in care could be ideal for you. Get in touch today to learn more about live-in care in Camden, Hampstead and Golders Green.

If you'd like to explore the possibility of introducing a live-in carer or even a simple companionship visit to your home, get in touch with our friendly team today. We care for people in Camden, Hampstead, Golders Green and surrounding areas.

Our friendly and supportive team can be reached by calling on 0203 921 1111 or by emailing us at camden.hampstead@rightathome.co.uk