Successful National Dementia Week

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Published: 20/03/2019

Right at Home, Cardiff & Newport pledged to raise more than £5,000 over the next 12 months, as well as committing to make 1,000 Dementia Friends.

During National Dementia Week Right At Home, Cardiff & Newport hosted a ranged of activities and worked with careers and clients to get everyone involved.

A highlight of the week was working with Dawn and Shelia, who both helped raise funds by selling coffee and cake’s at their craft class and together raised £39 for the Alzheimer’s society.

Thank you to all staff who contributed this week, we have raised a total of £140 over the week and will continue funding through our events to reach our target.

Join us for Cup Cake Day on June 13th, that will be taking place in our office at: Right At Home Unit 7 Ground Floor Castleton Court, Fortran Road Cardiff, CF3 0LT.  This event is open to the everyone so please spread the word.

Please make the effort to come along, even if you can only stay for 10 minutes. We will have a wonderful selection of cakes; Sarah Powney, owner of The Naked Vegan has very kindly offered to bake some cakes and donate them for this wonderful cause.

Click on her website to see the amazing array of cakes Sarah offers –

Alternatively if you can’t make the event but wish to support us you can help us raise money for this great cause by donating directly to our fundraising page –

JustGiving sends your donation straight to Alzheimer’s Society and automatically reclaims Gift Aid if you are a UK taxpayer, so your donation is worth even more.

Thank you for your support!