Quality Homecare Provider in St. Johns Wood

Right at Home provides quality homecare services in St Johns Wood, built around our Clients' unique requirements. Contact our team to see how we can help.

caregiver supporting client at a garden centre

Quality Homecare Services in St Johns Wood

Right at Home Central London is a premium homecare provider in St Johns Wood, serving numerous localities across Central London.

We employ a team of dedicated and well-trained CareGivers to help our Clients lead enriching lives. With an emphasis on building relationships, we see homecare as an opportunity to form friendships and provide outstanding assistance to people living with a disability or requiring additional support.

All support plans are entirely personalised, prioritising the Client's homecare needs and desires. Right at Home is passionate about improving quality of life and ensuring our Clients feel empowered and valued.

If you have any queries regarding your loved one’s homecare needs, our office support team is happy to help.

Homecare in St Johns Wood: What We Offer

There are many things you need to consider when choosing a care-at-home service in St Johns Wood.

Our Clients’ needs can be complex. For that reason, we offer a wide collection of services to ensure a flexible and bespoke Client Support Plan that addresses all the Client’s requirements.

Our Managing Director, recognised for her phenomenal support during the pandemic as a senior infection control nurse at a top London hospital, brings expertise in stroke, cardiac, medical, and elderly care.

In addition, both the Managing Director and Registered Manager have a background in the NHS and private sectors, ensuring high-quality care provision informed by extensive experience in the care industry. CareGivers receive training recognised by the Royal Princess Trust and also trained as Dementia Friends, offering comprehensive support to Clients living with the condition.

Our care services in St Johns Wood include:

  • Elderly Care
  • Respite Care
  • Companionship & Support
  • Live-in Care
  • Hospital to Home
  • Dementia Care
  • Personal Care
  • Specialist Services (such as Cancer Care, Living with Osteoarthritis & Living with Diabetes)
In partnership with Alzheimer's Society

Things to Do in St Johns Wood

As a part of Central London, St Johns Wood is well-placed for our Clients who enjoy getting out and about with their CareGiver.

Lord’s Cricket Ground is located in St. Johns Wood and makes for a wonderful day out for some of our cricket enthusiast Clients – the Lord’s Cricket Tour & Museum is an absolute must.

Other Clients prefer the simple pleasure of being out in nature. As such, we find many Clients enjoy walks around The Regent’s Park, which boasts 410 acres of parkland and world-renowned gardens.

For our spiritually-minded Clients, the area also offers multiple places of worship, such as St Johns Wood Church and London Central Mosque, both of which allow for peaceful reflection during the numerous services and events throughout the week.

CareGivers also accompany Clients to St Johns Wood High Street for a spot of shopping, stopping off at one of the many eateries for a light lunch and cup of tea.

Monthly Dementia Cafe

We also host a Dementia Cafe at St Johns Wood Church and London Central Mosque every 1st week and 3rd week of the month.

Anybody is welcome to attend and enjoy various informative activities from homecare and social care professionals. Pop in for a free lunch and meet friendly, like-minded people. Give us a call if you’d like more information.

statue outside st johns wood church
caregiver helping client put on necklace

Our CareGivers in St Johns Wood

At Right at Home, great care starts with compassionate CareGivers. We choose our CareGivers in St Johns Wood carefully, making sure they have the skills and personality to provide excellent care for your loved ones.

Our CareGivers keep learning through ongoing training to stay updated on best practices and rules. This allows us to create the most effective Client Support Plans.

We focus on building strong bonds with our Clients and their families. Our CareGivers work closely with Clients to create custom care plans based on their needs and preferences – we want our Clients to feel seen and heard. We encourage open communication among CareGivers, Clients, and families to ensure the best care possible.

homecare client in st johns wood

"The manager is highly professional. I know what she does is from the heart. After the care assessment, she perfectly matches perfect the CareGiver and the Client. The CareGiver is always on time. The owner ensured she was checking regularly that I was happy with the service received."

E L | Client

Why Choose Right At Home For Homecare in St Johns Wood?

There are many reasons why Clients choose us when looking for homecare providers in St Johns Wood.

No-stranger policy

At Right at Home, we have a no-stranger policy for all our Clients. We believe Clients should feel at ease with their CareGivers. So, before care starts, Clients and CareGivers meet to get acquainted, helping Clients understand who will care for them and making the experience more meaningful for both parties.

Live-in Care options

Live-in Care lets Clients stay in the comfort of their home with full-time support from a CareGiver. Clients get personalised one-on-one care and help with personal tasks and household chores, all while staying independent.

At Right at Home, we know it's tough to leave home for unfamiliar care facilities.

Our Live-in Care is a great option for those looking for personalised, flexible care right at home. It's cost-effective too. A CareGiver lives with you for an agreed time, providing support tailored to your needs in the familiar comfort of your own home.

One-hour minimum visits

Our goal at Right at Home is to become the most trusted homecare provider in the area – not to mention the rest of the UK. This is achievable thanks to the strong trust-based relationships our CareGivers build with their Clients.

One way we do this is to ensure a minimum one-hour policy for all homecare visits, allowing our CareGivers the time needed to foster these connections with their Clients.

Local Carers & Care Jobs in St Johns Wood

Many of our CareGivers reside in St Johns Wood and other nearby locations throughout Central London. They understand the local area, which is an invaluable help when devising a care and activities plan for our Clients.

As demand for our services grows in St Johns Wood, we are often on the lookout for talented and compassionate people who fit our CareGiver requirements.

For care jobs in St Johns Wood and other parts of Central London, check out our careers in care guide for more information.

caregiver and client shopping for groceries

More Information About Homecare Services In St Johns Wood

If you’d like to know more about our care-at-home services in St Johns Wood and throughout the rest of Central London, please get in touch using the contact form or over the phone – one of our team members will be happy to assist.

Tel: 020 3084 7333