Derby CareGivers to complete a 24-hour bake-off for Alzheimer's UK

Published: 26/08/2023
Derby CareGivers to complete a 24-hour bake-off for Alzheimer's UK
Jodie Hunt and Catherine Cope from Right at Home Derby, a homecare provider which supports the elderly and people living with disabilities in the comfort of their own homes, will rise to the occasion today and bake around the clock until 12pm tomorrow (Sunday, August 27).
It will all be livestreamed with viewers guided through the process of baking a whole host of yummy treats - from triple chocolate brownies and lemon drizzle cakes to scones and rocky road.
The pair plan to make a whopping 60 cakes which will then be boxed up and sold at a special ‘Bake Off Fun Day’ on bank holiday Monday.
The baking marathon will take place in Jodie’s kitchen and the team plan to take just 30-minute breaks every six hours.
Speaking ahead of the challenge Jodie said they’ll be recruiting a team of helpers in order to keep the challenge on track.
She said: “This isn’t being done by halves, we have over 30 recipes to get through. So, if the oven is being used while something is baking, we’ll make a fridge cake, or a cheesecake.
“We will have a variety of helpers on the day, including friends, family, and other employees to help with keeping the kitchen clean and to ensure the bake off runs smoothly.”
Jodie added: “People think I’m crazy, I can’t remember the last time I stayed up for 24 hours, even for a night out, but I like a challenge and hopefully we’ll raise lots of money for Alzheimer’s UK.”
The Bake Off Fun Day, organised by Right at Home Derby, will kick off at 1pm on Monday at Spondon Village Hall, and will include a host of food stalls, as well as a bouncy castle and face painting.
For more information on the Bake Off Fun Day and the 24-hour baking challenge visit: Right at Home - Derby | Derby | Facebook
(L-R) Cat Cope, Jodie Hunt
Fundraising Update: The 24-Hour Bake-Off raised £1043. On behalf of Right at Home Derby, Cat and Jodie, who are truly humbled, we’d just like to say a heartfelt thank you to everyone who assisted with the event and to those who supported us at Spondon Village Hall.