Outdoors Activities in West London

Published: 29/12/2019
West London is a vibrant and Beautiful part of London and offers unlimited possibilities for outdoor activity, yet living in West London we take it all for granted and do not benefit from all that exists around us. As summer approaches with the growing numbers of tourists it dawned upon me that we could take advantage of so much that West London has to offer. As I started searching for outdoor activities, I cam across this website 100 Things to do outdoors in West London. We wanted to share this list with you.
Also, as we get older, we lose the confidence to get out of our homes and accept the constraints of mobility. It does not need to be like this. We have compassionate carers who could help you get out and about and enjoy what West London has to offer.
If you are interested in being supported in outdoor activities, please contact us on 0208 432 9788 or shahzad.akhtar@rightathomeuk.com
If you want to keep it simple why not visit the nearest park and just enjoy the summer weather and experience the fresh breeze rustling the leaves, children playing and birds chirping. Wishing you all a great summer