We celebrate an ‘Outstanding’ CQC rating

Published: 05/03/2019
The report praised us for sustaining our “Outstanding” rating in the Responsiveness category
We have been praised by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in its recent inspection of our services, for delivering high quality care and support.
The CQC is our regulatory body, which monitors our services to ensure we continually deliver the best possible care and support to our clients. We are delighted to say that we did exceptionally well, we are celebrating a rating of ‘Outstanding’ for Responsiveness and ‘Good’ in all other areas. We would like to thank all our wonderful clients and relatives who gave the CQC inspector such wonderful comments.
The report noted that our staff skills knowledge, training and support demonstrated a commitment to providing outstanding care which was embedded into the practices of our staff and management team. It was recognised that we put people’s views at the forefront of our service and design our service around our clients needs.
As part of the inspection, the CQC inspector spoke to clients, staff and relatives, and the responses they received were consistently positive. One client said… “Right At Home are amazing and I couldn’t manage without them. Always cheerful, very professional and prompt, I have recommended them to lots of friends.” Another relative told the inspector…”I’m over the moon with how [my relative] has responded to [name removed staff], the care has been outstanding and very flexible, the service is second to none and I would highly recommend it.”
Julie Foote, Managing Director said; “We are overjoyed that the CQC inspector recognised that all our clients received highly-personalised services that were sensitive to their individual needs. I feel immensely proud of my team for the outcome of this report and all the comments we received.
I am looking forward to maintaining our high quality of care, and supporting my team to deliver the services we have received such great feedback on.”
Overall the CQC rated Right at Home East Lancashire & Ribble Valley as Good, with Outstanding in the key area of being Responsive and Good in key areas of being Safe, Effective, Caring and Well-Led.