Right at Home East Staffs Launch Clinical Care
Avoid hospital admissions with health care in your home

Published: 25/11/2024
Right at Home Derby & East Staffs launch highly-praised Clinical Care service
Over the past 12 years, we have helped many Clients with more complex clinical care requirements. Whilst many of our Clients enjoy companionship calls, personal care and medication, others require a higher-level skilled service.
Our experience in supporting people with complex care such as urinary catheters, PEG care, bowel/stoma management, diabetes, acquired brain injury and many more complex nurse-led conditions has resulted in a highly trained care team who have enabled our Clients to remain healthy in their own homes.
With increased pressure on district nurses and the health sector overall, our Clients find it preferable to have their clinical care needs delivered by their consistent and highly-trained regular care team.
Delivering Clinical Care in the community has many benefits compared to NHS-led/acute setting care:
- Improved Dignity for Client – Community care with Right at Home is delivered by a core team of highly-trained CareGivers. The client has got to know these carers over a long period of time and therefore has a strong relationship and understanding with them. Compare this to acute settings or bank-nurse-led care which will often involve a less personalised service with individuals who may never have met the client before.
- Reduced Hospital Admissions – A study has found that when effective community care is delivered by the likes of Right at Home, hospital admissions are reduced by 200 incidents per 100,000 people. The reduction in hospital admissions is clearly better for the individual as well as providing huge cost savings to the NHS with an overnight stay running into thousands of pounds.
- Releasing Pressure on NHS – It is no secret that the NHS, and in particular district nurses (which have decreased by over 44% in the last 10 years from 7055 to 4031) are under increased pressure. District nurses are working at capacity and sometimes at unsafe staffing levels. This shortage of district nurses risks the quality of patient care in the community setting. Right at Home are able to assist district nurses with delegated tasks and routine clinical care tasks therefore reducing pressure on their busy schedules.
- Ensuring that people have a positive experience of care – A study has found that patient satisfaction scores for community-led care scored 83% as very good/good. In comparison, acute setting care provision saw a decline in satisfaction to 76% (from 84%) as very good/good. (ref: lordslibrary.parliament.uk).
CareGivers at Right at Home Derby and East Staff have received nurse-led training enabling them to manage the most common clinical needs of Clients, such as urinary catheter care, bowel stoma care and gastrostomy/PEG care.
The clinical training is delivered by our designated Clinical Care Lead, Lisa Grainger, who has experience in emergency, haematology, oncology and palliative care as well as practice nursing.
Much of her long career has been spent working in the community as a Specialist Nurse and she has always considered it such a privilege to work with Clients in their own homes. We are therefore incredibly fortunate to have her leadership in this vital service.
Should you like to know more about our Clinical Care services, look at our webpage, contact the office on 01332 91 32 32. If your requirement is not listed, contact us to discuss how we can build and train a team to meet your individual needs.