We were here!

Published: 18/05/2022
We love being out and about in the community!
We had a very productive day in Uxbridge, speaking to people from all walks of life - ex-nurses who miss looking after someone, carers that are contemplating joining a new provider, students who want to enhance their health and social care studies that they are currently undertaking.
A common feature that quite clearly echoed is that every one of us is looking to be appreciated and feel valued for their dedication and for some, that's all they are expecting from employers and their clients who are dependent on them.
Carers also need to be cared for! As employers, we provide all the support our caregivers need, coupled with excellent training, and encourage to further their knowledge in care.
Check out our Available Opportunities to see current openings and apply today!
We salute all CareGivers, Ours and Yours!