Modern Slavery Statement

- Leeds East
- Modern Slavery Statement
Right at Home acknowledges that modern-day slavery still exists and therefore has responsibilities as an employer to ensure modern slavery or human trafficking practices do not exist in our working practices or within supply chains.
Right at Home operates a policy to identify and mitigate risk in the following ways (but not limited to):
- Alerting all staff to potential risks in our business and in our wider supply chain which in doing so we hope will avoid such practices taking place.
- Investigating and vetting our supply chain policies, contracts, contractors etc.
- Continually auditing and reviewing our working practices.
- Ensuring all employees are paid at least the minimum wage.
- Ensuring all employees have the right to work in the UK.
- By encouraging the reporting of any concerns and protecting whistleblowers.
To ensure a high level of understanding of the risks of modern-day slavery and human trafficking within our own business Right at Home will provide training as is considered necessary and relevant.
We keep our statements under regular review. The modern slavery notice was last updated on 21/07/2023