Meet Marjorie and her Right at Home CareGiver
Published: 03/05/2022

“Carla has made the world of difference to me”
So says 92 year old Marjorie from the comfort of her chair at her home in Henley-on-Thames. Her family contacted Right at Home, Maidenhead six months ago after they became increasingly concerned that the pandemic had taken a toll and Marjorie wasn’t coping on her own.
“We’d noticed that mum wasn’t eating very well, and we could never be sure that she’d taken her medication. She’s a bit forgetful too and was forever losing things like the TV remote control so would miss her favourite programmes.” Explains Marjorie’s daughter Celia.
“To be honest we didn’t quite know what to do until a friend mentioned Right at Home, who have been fabulous to deal with.”
Carla, who became Marjorie’s primary CareGiver told us about the process.
“Once we hear from a potential new client, we visit them and conduct a comprehensive review of their needs, it’s so important that we understand their situation and just how much we need to help. Bringing a carer in to someone’s life is a big change for an elderly person, so it’s really important that they know what is going on and want it to happen.
Often, they can be quite apprehensive, after all at the beginning it’s a stranger coming into their home, so we have to build trust quickly and reassure them that we’re there to help. We decided with Marjorie that she didn’t need live-in care, but that we would provide daily daytime home visits. She’s very capable really and was keen herself to retain as much independence as possible, but we monitor the situation and have regular assessments to ensure her needs are still being met.”
After an initial assessment Right at Home created a Home Care plan that Marjorie approved. Every week in advance a rota is prepared and given to Marjorie and her family in plenty of time so they know in advance exactly what home care they are going to receive, including who will be visiting them, the timing of visits, what they will do while attending and the length of the visit. In this way Marjorie and her family are fully informed and aware of what is going to be happening.
In addition, within the home we keep a written log recording the time of visits and the name of the CareGiver who attended. Most of the time this is Carla but occasionally if she is recharging her own batteries it will be one of our other caring and compassionate CareGivers. The written log will include accurate notes on the clients’ well-being throughout the visit, and what the carer did during the visit.
A private home care service, such as Right at Home is highly person-centred. None of our clients are just a name on a list with a series of needs, they are real people to us in need of compassionate, friendly care that has a positive impact on their quality of life. Hence, we’ll build care packages not just around their needs, but around their choices as well.
In practice this means that Carla or a colleague will attend at a time of Marjorie’s choosing and will schedule sufficient time to complete the care without rushing, respecting the client’s preferred routines. Carla and Marjorie’s other regular carers are able to build a meaningful relationship so that changes of need are easily noticed and monitored.
“I look forward to seeing Carla, we chat and it feels nice to get out of the house for a walk.” Marjorie told us.
“She’d become a bit housebound,” explains Carla “so one of the items on the care plan was to take her out for a short walk every day. It’s lovely and as the weeks have gone on we go a little bit further. She really enjoys seeing the town and even occasionally bumps into old friends.”
“I make sure she eats well and takes her medication, but I think more than anything she enjoys having some company. Marjorie is a lovely lady, I really enjoy caring for her.”
“I’ve noticed a really positive change in mum since Right at Home started providing care for her, she seems brighter and has some of her old spark back. I know she’s eating properly and doesn’t seem as forgetful, though I know Carla has become a bit of a sleuth and has worked out most of the accidental hiding places!” says Celia.
We treat everyone with the care and respect that Marjorie receives, and CareGivers like Carla are carefully selected and trained to ensure that they understand exactly what their clients need. We believe our clients such as Marjorie should enjoy their remaining years, so if a member of your family is afflicted with similar issues to her, get in touch and discover how Right at Home, Maidenhead can improve the quality of their life.