Right At Home Windsor & Maidenhead rated as an ‘Outstanding’ Home Care Provider!

Published: 07/06/2019
Right At Home Windsor & Maidenhead have received a glowing CQC report following on from a Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspection, the independent regulator of health and social care in England. Right at Home provides domiciliary care and support to people living in their own homes. The service also won the Fast Growing Business Award at the Maidenhead and Windsor Business Awards for 2017, as well as being recognised as a top 20 Home care provider in the South East of England in 2017 and 2018.
The inspection took place on Tuesday the 9th April 2019. During its inspection, the senior home care provider, which covers Slough, Windsor, Maidenhead and Cookham, was rated overall ‘Outstanding’. On the day of the inspection the service was supporting 50 people with personal care.
According to the CQC report, one of the key elements ” people received outstandingly responsive support. The significant improvements of people’s experiences had been achieved because of excellent leadership provided by the management that had also met the characteristics of the outstanding service.”
And continued “People received care and support that in their words or in their relatives’ words was ‘life changing’. The feedback we had reflected the service provision had a positive impact not only on people but also on people’s relatives.”
During the inspection, CQC spoke with the director, the registered manager, the training manager, the quality manager and five care staff. After the inspection they contacted 13 clients and 5 relatives to obtain their feedback. They also had feedback from 13 external health and social care professionals, including commissioners to obtain their views about the service.
After speaking with the Clients and Caregivers, the CQC inspector praised the services were tailored to meet the needs of individuals and delivered to ensure flexibility, choice and continuity of care. The report said: “People were fully involved in identifying their needs and developing their care plans. A matching profile was completed for staff during their induction which included their interests, skills, availability and personality characteristics. These were used to match the right staff with a person and a member of staff told us, “You know them before you meet them”.”
The Caregivers themselves were very complementary about the support provided to them from Right at Home Maidenhead. The report quotes “Lovely bosses, always willing to help. I am very proud to work for Right at Home” and “Watching young people grow and (their) development is amazing”. Another said: “It is the best job I have had. I didn’t think I could do it, it is different every day”, “I have time and I like talking! The clients like that. Clients like to talk to someone new (other than family members)” and “Clients are the best”.
Scott the owner of Right at Home Windsor & Maidenhead commented “We are absolutely delighted it is a credit to the fantastic caregivers and office team combining together to deliver outstanding care for our clients in the community. Our caregivers are our most important asset and we are very grateful for all of their efforts in making a difference to the lives of our clients”.
A full copy of the CQC report can be found at: https://www.cqc.org.uk/sites/default/files/new_reports/INS2-6313483011.pdf