Senior needing help at home

Signs Your Loved One Needs Help at Home

We all worry about our loved ones as they reach later old age especially as their health or mobility starts to falter.

Published: 19/08/2024

We all worry about our loved ones as they reach later old age especially as their health or mobility starts to falter.  Naturally they want to remain independent, and will often be very reluctant to accept help.  However, there often comes a time when some help from ourselves (or a home care company) becomes necessary for their well-being and safety.  With a gradual decline, it can be difficult to judge when this time comes, here are some typical signs to watch for:

Changes in Physical Health: Noticeable changes in physical health, unexplained bruises, significant weight loss, could all signal that your loved one is struggling to manage.

Decline in Personal Hygiene: a decline in personal care, such as unwashed clothes, body odour, or neglect of dental care, may indicate that they are finding it challenging to maintain personal hygiene without assistance.

Forgetfulness and Confusion: Memory loss, confusion about time or place, missed medications, and difficulty in following conversations or making decisions can be signs of cognitive decline or conditions like dementia that require specialized care.

Changes in Mood or Behaviour: Sudden mood swings, increased irritability, social withdrawal, or expressions of fear and anxiety could be signs of emotional distress or depression, especially if your loved one is isolated or feels overwhelmed by daily tasks.

Unkempt Living Environment: A home that was once tidy and organized now appearing cluttered, dirty dishes piling up, expired food in the fridge, or neglect of household chores might indicate that maintaining the home has become too much.

Safety Concerns: Evidence of recent falls, burns, or other accidents, as well as unexplained financial transactions or mishandling of medications, are significant red flags that your loved one may be at risk living alone.

Difficulty Managing Finances: Unpaid bills, unusual purchases, or confusion regarding financial matters might indicate that your loved one needs help managing their finances effectively.

Social Isolation: Withdrawal from social activities or lack of interest in hobbies can indicate your loved one is struggling, this can we a vicious circle leading to loneliness and social isolation especially if your loved on lives alone.

Our team at Right at Home Mitcham Streatham and Dulwich, specialise in senior care, especially for those living with dementia.  We can support difficult conversations.  With careful empathy, taking things step-by-step, we can support you in bringing your loved one round to the idea of having some help at home, as needed including personal care and companionship.   

Click here for more information.