Carers grant Client’s wish with a ‘blooming’ lovely day at Southport Flower Show

Published: 21/09/2022

One of our lovely Clients was recently selected to have her wish granted after her CareGiver, one of our fantastic team, nominated her to spend the day at Southport Flower show as part of Right at Home's national ‘Tin Full of Wishes’ campaign.
Helen Ward, 92, from Lowton, was invited to the annual show by organisers and was delighted to receive a one-to-one tour of the floral art tent by national flower judge for the NAFAS (National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies), Pam Fletcher-Williams.
Helen, who spent most of her career in the photography department at Atomic Energy in Culcheth, has been an avid gardener all her life but sadly has not been able to take part in her favourite hobby recently due to worsening health conditions. Luckily, her garden has not gone into disrepair, and she still loves spending time amongst her flowers and plants that are tended to by her family and CareGivers. She loves admiring and learning about flowers from across the globe so the Southport Flower Show provided her with a dream day out.
Helen ended her day by indulging in an afternoon tea with her amazing CareGiver Jayne Glackin, who joined her for the day and was treated to a bunch of flowers from the show by the team at Right at Home North Cheshire and Leigh.
Helen Ward said: “I was over the moon to be asked here. My CareGivers provide me with such great company, they are always in such a jovial mood – it really means a lot to me. It’s been a beautiful day, absolutely beautiful. I couldn’t have wished for anything better.”
Jayne Glackin, CareGiver at Right at Home North Cheshire and Leigh said: “I wanted to nominate Helen as I know how much her garden and beautiful flowers mean to her - all of her care team love visiting her and she’s always a pleasure to be around. You don’t get to know and understand people like you do when you’re a carer – when else do you get to make someone’s wish come true? I’ve been doing this for three years now and can’t imagine myself doing anything else – you don’t get this feeling in other jobs.”
Helen’s wish was the seventh to be granted as part of Right at Home’s 10 Year Anniversary campaign, which is celebrating a decade of making a difference to Clients’ lives by granting 10 once-in-a-lifetime wishes.
You can read about the rest of the wishes on the Right at Home UK website here.
Helen received a one-to-one tour of the exhibitions
by a National Flower Arranging Judge.