Are you receiving the right support at home?

As everyday people navigate the challenges of aging, we believe that it is imperative that we invest in the resource of exceptional home support, to meet your needs and continue to strengthen the fabric of our community.

Published: 19/08/2024

"Right at Home made my dads last few years worth living "

Lisa | Daughter of Client

Are you receiving the right support at home?

If you are a member of the older generation, you represent a wealth of experience, wisdom, and resilience. Their contribution to our community is immeasurable, having shaped our world through innovation, hard work, and sacrifice.

As such, your perspectives, knowledge and wishes should be cherished and respected.

It is often perceived that home is where the heart is, and it is often the place where your most cherished memories reside.

As everyday people navigate the challenges of aging, we believe that it is imperative that we invest in the resource of exceptional home support, to meet your needs and continue to strengthen the fabric of our community.

We believe that you deserve the best support in both your community and home, a familiar setting surrounded by the people they love.

The real cost of living crisis! 

We believe that living well has a cost and the reality is that, insufficient government funding for professional home care services is a critical issue with far-reaching consequences.

A cornerstone of the problem is that underfunding will only promote poor practice, recruiting and training unsuitable people, lack of management support in the field, a shortfall in time allowed for the people who need critical support to enhance their daily living are just a few critical funding requirements.

Leaving the people who deserve the right home support feeling vulnerable and feeling insecure.

We can help guide you to receive the right home support.

Good quality home support provides a range of services, such as personal and intimate care, medication management, and social independence.
It also provides emotional support and guidance when necessary, and opportunities for involvement in planning your future, helping you to combat:

  • Fear and anxiety: Making your safety a priority, monitoring health decline and promoting independence.
  • Loneliness and isolation: Feel connected to others and provide quality contact with others.
  • Uncertainty: Clarity about the future and your home care options.
  • Loss of control: Your decisions are being made by you, not for you.
  • Cost: Be in control of your own budget and provider. 

Can you say YES to the test?

Although we believe that most healthcare professionals care, the role to be effective requires some minimum requirements for it to be fit for purpose safe.
If you can say no to any of these standard questions it might be time to review your private home care options:

Take the test:

1. Are you always visited by a familiar face?

Sending the same team of professionals helps to build and develop this trusted personal service, like all relationships it will be develop over time and you can look forward to beifitting from each visit. It also helps with your safety spotting the small changes can help us respond and act on anything vital to your well being. 

2. Have you arranged a specific time for your home support?

Your independence and preferred routines should be supported allowing you a sense of freedom to enjoy life. You should also be able to choose a dedicated time for each visit.

3. Do you have enough time?

Home care should not be rushed and you should always be in control to make your own decisions and choices. No explanation is needed as to why this is important.

4. Do your team know your unique specific details?

Your unique information should ALWAYS be written down and developed over time, is called your care plan, it’s our blueprint and guidance to serve the best home support for you. Covering fundamentals like. Your lifestyle and preferences, medication, medical conditions and frailties, other healthcare 

Know Your Rights: Understand the standards of care and the services you should expect.

Receiving home support is essential for many people to maintain independence and quality of life. However, it’s crucial to understand your rights to ensure you receive the home support you deserve.  

Did you know you have rights!!

  • Right to safe and effective care: You have the right to expect that your care is provided safely and effectively by qualified staff. 
  • Right to dignity and respect: You deserve to be treated with dignity and respect at all times.
  • Right to privacy and confidentiality: Your personal information should be handled with care and kept confidential.
  • Right to make decisions: You have the right to participate in decisions about your care and to be involved in planning your support.
  • Right to complain: If you are unhappy with your care, you have the right to make a complaint.

What to Do if You Are Dissatisfied

If you are unhappy with the quality of your home support, we recommend you take the follow these steps:

  • Speak to your care provider: The first step is to discuss your concerns with your care provider. They may be able to resolve the issue quickly and informally.
  • Use the complaints procedure: If you are not satisfied with the response, follow the care provider's complaints procedure. This should be clearly outlined in your care plan or contract.
  • Contact your local authority: Your local authority is responsible for adult social care services. They can investigate your complaint and take action if necessary.
  • Contact the Care Quality Commission (CQC): The CQC is the independent regulator of health and social care in England. They can investigate care providers and take enforcement action.  
  • Contact the Ombudsman: If you are still dissatisfied after going through the other steps, you can contact the Ombudsman. They are an independent body that investigates complaints about public services.   

Additional Tips

Keep a record: Keep a record of any problems you experience, including dates, times, and details of what happened.

Seek support: Talk to family, friends, or support groups about your concerns.

Know your options: Research different care providers in your area to find one that meets your needs.

"We hope this information helps you and you feel better equipped to now take control of your home care situation? It's time to demand the best. Share your story, connect with others, and let's create a movement for better home care. Your home should be a haven, not a battleground. Let's make it happen together. Remember: Your voice matters. By sharing your experiences, you can help improve the lives of countless others. Let's create a future where everyone receives the home care they deserve. "

Chris Tansley | Managing Director (Right At Home Nottingham)