Singing Groups in Nottingham
Published: 02/06/2024
Local Singing Groups in Nottingham
Joining a singing group can be a fun remembering moments in the past and a good way to sharpen your mind. Also the activity of learning new music, recalling lyrics and melodies, and following along with a conductor all work together to give your brain a workout.
Studies have even shown that singing in a group can improve memory. So, belting out tunes with others is not just enjoyable, it's good for your cognitive health too!
Music in Mind (The Joyful Jukebox and Bloomin Dementia)
Twice monthly sing-along sessions of popular songs. Wednesdays 10.30-12.00
Ruddington Village Hall, 45 Wilford Lane NG11 6BN
Everyone welcome, no need to book. Sessions are dementia friendly and fully inclusive.
Tea/coffee. Next dates 2024: May 8, 22, June 5, 19, July 3, 17, 31st, Aug 14th, 28th, Sept 11th, 25th, Oct 9th, 23rd, Nov 6th, 20th, Dec 4th
The Joyful Jukebox
(with Helen Tooth) 07905 912582 https://joyfuljukebox.wordpress.com/
Social sing-along sessions of popular songs. Everyone welcome, no need to book.
Sessions are dementia friendly and fully inclusive. Tea/coffee.
Keyworth Methodist Church Hall, Selby Lane NG12 5AH
Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday 1.45 -3.15pm Next dates: May 8,22, June 5, 19th, July 3rd, 17th
Radcliffe Royal British Legion Social Club
Radcliffe on Trent, NG12 2BB
Every 1st and 3rd Thursday 2-3.30pm Next dates: May 2,16, 30th, June 13th, 20th, July 4th
18th. No sessions in August, back Sept 5th, 19th, Oct 3rd, 17th, Nov 7th, 21st, Dec 5th, 19th
New! Cotgrave Methodist Church
Bingham Road, starting 2.30-4pm. Come earlier for a free lunch as this is also a Warm Space session.
Fortnightly on a Tuesday: May 14th and 28th, June 11th and 25th, July 9th, 30th, Aug 13th Sept 3rd, 17th, Oct 1st, 15th, 29th, Nov 12, 26th, Dec 10th
0115 9145879
Heron Music Café – singing for wellbeing (based in WB) Well-known songs with lyrics to sing along to.
Poppy and Pint Pub, Lady Bay 10.30 start (but flexible and welcoming start!) until 12 noon
(Can also access videos via their YouTube channel by clicking website link or via their FB page)
Singing for the Brain East Bridgford
Dementia Friendly Singing Sessions.
Every 3rd Wednesday at East Bridgford Village Hall 2pm. Cake and a cuppa
Contact: 01949 480480 email: Admin@EastNotts.HomeInstead.co.uk
Singing for Everyone/ West Bridgford
Open Voices 0115 958 9312
Every Tuesday Morning Drop in 10-12 at St Lukes, Leahurst Road, West Bridgford
Vol donation £3 email: admin@music-for-everyone.org
Singing for the Brain
Face-to-face group, new venue - Clifton Methodist Church. Every 3rd Monday
Get in touch via the contact details: Angela O'Neill (leader)
Mobile: 07718 697246 Email: Angela.oneill@alzheimers.org.uk
Singing for Everyone / Beeston
Open Voices 0115 958 9312
Every Tuesday Morning 10.30-12.30 at Middle Street Resource Centre NG9 2AR
Vol donation £3 email: admin@music-for-everyone.org