100% Client Satisfaction and great feedback from CareGivers in local Right at Home‘s annual anonymous surveys.
5*Star Employer for an amazing 4th year in succession, as a result of once again scoring 99% Employee Satisfaction.

Published: 30/04/2022
30 Apr 2022
Amazing feedback from our clients (once again, 100% of them saying they would recommend us to others), and from our caregiving team in the annual satisfaction surveys run for us by WorkBuzz – an independent market research company.
The feedback this year was amazing once again – with our employees telling the researchers that being a CareGiver at Right at Home Reading & Wokingham District is a great place to be.
If you are considering a career in care, or perhaps see a care role as being a useful step towards longer term career goals, we think the feedback from our current wonderful team gives a good idea of what kind of care company you would be a part of should you join us.
All care companies are not the same, and we do things a bit different than most. We aim to be the best at what we do for our clients, and believe that in order to care for them it is crucial that we also care for our caregivers. We work hard at this, and the feedback for the last 4 years seems to suggest we’re doing something right.
We are looking to expand our team, so if you are interested in learning more about the roles available, please get on touch – we’d love to hear from you..