CQC Inspection News
Right at Home Reading & Wokingham District, rated Outstanding for Caring in its first Inspection.
Published: 28/08/2019
28 August 2019
After an on-site inspection earlier in the year, The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has rated Right at Home Reading & Wokingham District as Good overall, and Outstanding in the Caring domain.
The first formal inspection of the service provided by the Twyford-based homecare team, it was an impressive result, and confirmed in the eyes of the CQC that the services are being delivered to a high standard. The full Inspection Report is available from the CWC web site (here: https://www.cqc.org.uk/location/1-4503119434 ), and some of the key comments from there speak volumes about the great work our team of CareGivers are doing in support of our clients across the local community.
• “Staff were exceptionally caring. Staff provided extremely sensitive and individualised support to people. This helped them maintain their independence and stay in their own homes. People felt staff were highly sensitive to their needs and protected their dignity and privacy.”
• “The service was exceptionally responsive.”
• “The provider had an 'open door' approach for staff, who were supported and encouraged to contact the registered manager and senior team if they had any concerns about people's safety. A staff member had commented, 'My managers are very supportive of their caregivers. Any problems that may arise are sorted out as quickly as possible.' “
• “Electronic medicines administration records (e-MARs) were used by staff. To complete the e-MARs staff used prompts on their mobile phones. This helped ensure staff administered medicines correctly. The provider told us this meant the risk of errors were reduced as staff could not 'log out' of calls until all tasks were completed.
The e-MARs and visit log could be viewed by the registered manager in 'real time'. They also audited records daily. This meant 'near misses' or inappropriate practice could be identified and addressed.”
• “Results from the provider's staff survey showed all staff felt they had access to learning opportunities, and access to training they needed to do their job well. Comments from staff included, 'The management are so supportive and really care about not only the clients but all of us as a team. I feel valued everyday', and 'I like working for right at home because my managers are very supportive”
• “The provider had worked hard to establish effective communication with people's GPs to maintain their health and wellbeing. The registered manager and senior staff had devised consent forms to give to people's GPs. These forms stated people had consented to staff working with health care professionals on their behalf. This helped ensure people received high standards of care.”
• “Without exception, people spoke extremely highly of the caring and sensitive approach of staff. One person said, ‘They [staff] are absolutely miraculous.’ Another person said, ‘They've [staff] been absolutely brilliant.’ “
• “ People had made very positive comments about the service provided. Comments included, 'Can't fault the service from this company…Each and every aspect has been brilliant. Caring to its top level and a super bunch of people to deal with', and 'You surpassed our expectations as a company and we could not have been happier with the care you offered' as well as 'I cannot thank you/her enough for stepping into the breach during the festive period and going out of your way to support me and [relative].' “
• “ Professionals had also commented on the extremely caring approach of staff. Comments included, 'Your team is doing brilliant job…I can see the difference between other care agencies and yours.' Another professional commented 'Right at Home carers provided [person] with excellent patient centred care, they always seemed to go the extra mile to make [person] comfortable. The carers showed care and compassion throughout all their visits and communicated well with my team.' “
• “ Without exception, people and their relatives were extremely positive about the way staff communicated with them about their care and support. Comments from relatives included, 'The office communicate with the family above and beyond anything we could wish for' and 'I feel I can pick up the phone anytime and have an honest conversation with my office - they are more than accommodating and always try to find a solution.' “
• “People's families praised staff for their ability to treat people with dignity. Comments included, 'Your staff were just so caring and compassionate. [Relative] was always treated with dignity and made to feel very special.' ”
• “ People and their relatives gave extremely positive feedback about care the care provided and the positive impact the support had on people. One relative commented, 'My [relative] and I have been extremely happy with the service so far. Nothing seems too much bother. My [relative] really enjoys the support and companionship provided by the carers. It has given [relative] a new lease of life!'. Another relative commented, 'Right at Home work very hard to ensure that they give my [relative] the care [relative] needs. I am very impressed with the quality of care and the positive attitude of the staff and relieved to know that [relative] is in safe hands' a further relative commented, '[Nominated individual] and his team are an absolute joy to deal with. They take away any carer fears.' “
• “ The provider used an extremely effective secure electronic care system to plan and deliver care to people. This system was used to log activities in care visits, record appointments, electronic medicines administration records and alerts. This meant staff could log completed activities and updates, identify risks and trends, and securely share information with designated relatives using computers and hand held devices. Staff could record care interventions 'as and when' they happened so that care records were 'live' documents. … This meant people received highly responsive, individualised care as staff had access to the most up to date information, and family members were also able to provide timely support through accessing their relatives' electronic care plans. “
• “ Staff were very skilled at providing sensitive care to people at the end of their lives. Care plans were comprehensive and provided detailed guidance for staff on supporting people's physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual needs. People's relatives had spoken highly of the abilities of staff to provide sensitive support. One relative commented, 'We both feel that with all the carers you have sent us they really are a first-class team' “
• “Relatives of people who used the service gave highly positive feedback about its leadership. One relative commented, 'Both the management of Right at Home Twyford and the carers looking after my mum, have been first class. Professional and thorough, but also friendly and considerate.' Another relative commented 'The staff are very knowledgeable and have implemented several specific tools to help manage my [relative's] care, they have also proved to be flexible, considerate and very thorough in their approach. The Registered Manager is very experienced and took great care to select the right carers and introduced them gently to my [relative].'”
• “ Staff had also given extremely positive feedback about the service in the provider's recent survey. One staff member commented, 'This is by far the best company I have worked for. The management go above and beyond and encourage us to do the same, in return we have a very happy group of lovely people' another commented, 'The management are so supportive and really care about not only the clients but all of us as a team… I have already progressed in my career while here and I hope that I will remain here for a long time.' “
• “ Professionals who worked with the service to provide treatments and support for people had commented on staff's expertise. One professional commented, 'Their carers have showed a high level of expertise and knowledge in managing complex clients and have been very receptive to our therapist's advice.'
The registered manager and senior staff also communicated effectively with pharmacies to ensure changes to people's medicines were shared with relevant members of the staff team. This ensured people received their medicines in a safe and timely way. “