Tips from Right at Home Sefton for looking after your heart
Published: 28/02/2023
● February is Heart Month organised by the British Heart Foundation
● The month aims to raise awareness of heart conditions and help people to understand ways to look after their hearts
● Here at Right at Home Sefton we’re proud partners of the British Heart Foundation and have been since March 2022
● Together we work to promote healthy lifestyles and ways each and every person can look after our hearts
5 Tips For a Healthy Heart
● According to the British Heart Foundation, in the UK, 7.6 million people have heart and circulatory issues and half of us will have one during our lifetime/lives
● However, just by making minor alterations to your lifestyle can have a positive effect on your heart health. Potentially reducing the risk of diabetes, stroke, vascular dementia, coronary heart disease or other cardiovascular diseases in the long term
● Here is some helpful advice to improve your heart health and support the British Heart Foundation during Heart Month
Tip #1: Eat a Healthy Diet
● Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are packed full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fibre and can help keep you feeling full and energised
● Include lean proteins and whole grains in your meals. These are a brilliant source of energy and can help keep your body feeling full
● Avoid processed and fried foods, saturated and trans fats, and added sugars. Processed and sugary foods can provide a short burst of energy, but they are usually full of unhealthy fats and preservatives
● As well as eating a healthy diet you need to drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and drinking water can help you feel full in between meals
● Get enough sleep. Getting enough sleep can help your body stay energised and can help you make healthier food choices throughout the day
Tip #2: Engage in regular physical activity/Exercise regularly/Stay active
● Activities like walking, running, cycling or swimming are brilliant ways to look after your heart
● Aim for 30 minutes of moderate physical activity most days of the week
● Exercise has lots of benefits on the mind and body. As well as directly improving heart health, it can strengthen muscles, improve mobility and maintain mental wellbeing
● Regular exercise helps improve your muscle ability, allows oxygen to travel through your lungs more easily and supports blood flow
● Exercise can also help to reduce stress, which can often put an extra burden on your heart
● Visit Active Sefton’s Link for advice on keeping active and for more information for what’s available in the area - https://www.activelifestyles-sefton.co.uk/
Tip #3: Avoid/Give Up/Quit/Stop smoking:
● Smoking increases your risk of heart disease
● It’s important to reduce your intake if you’re a smoker or try to quit altogether
● If you quit/give up/stop smoking, within 12 hours your heart rate drops, the carbon monoxide level in your blood reduces and oxygen can flow more quickly/quicker/better
● The NHS provides free services to help you to stop smoking. You can find your local NHS stop smoking service here
Tip #4: Manage your stress levels/Make time for relaxation/Take time for your mental health/Look after your mental wellbeing
● Find healthy ways to manage and reduce stress in your life
● This could include yoga, meditation, spending time with friends or simply doing things that you enjoy to help you relax
● Integrating yoga and meditation practises into daily routines has been proven to lower a person’s heart rate and blood pressure
Tip #5: Get regular checkups with your GP
● You can arrange tests with your a health professional to monitor your health, including overall health checks, blood pressure tests and diabetes checks
● If you are a UK resident between the ages of 40-74, you can book a free NHS health check every five years
● Visiting your GP regularly can help detect potential heart problems early on
● They can also give tips, advice & guidance on preventative care and offer tailored advice on your unique lifestyle
● It is important you are aware of any pre-existing medical conditions you have and communicate these to your loved ones so you can access the appropriate help and care you require
Tip #6: Monitor blood pressure/
● Having a higher blood pressure can increase your risk of heart attacks and strokes
● Low blood pressure can equally have effects on your health
● Regularly monitor your blood pressure and see your doctor if it’s too high or too low
● Use our Blood Pressure Guide to understand your blood pressure reading
Tip #7: Limit Alcohol Intake/Reduce your alcohol consumption/Drink less alcohol/Cut alcohol out of your diet
● Drinking too much alcohol can increase your risk of heart disease
● Excessive alcohol intake can lead to high blood pressure, heart failure or stroke. It can also contribute to cardiomyopathy, a disorder that affects the heart muscle
● Limit your alcohol intake to no more than 14 units a week. That is the equivalent of around six pints or medium glasses of wine
● To monitor your alcohol intake at home, try measuring your drinks instead of free pouring, so you know exactly how much you are consuming
● Let friends and family know you are cutting down so they can support you
Learn how to save a life this Heart Month with Right at Home Sefton and the British Heart Foundation
● This Heart Month, here at Right at Home Sefton we are working with the British Heart Foundation to teach CPR to local families, groups, businesses and community members, using the charity’s ReviR App
● Part of a wider initiative across the whole Right at Home network, this year we hope to teach CPR to as many individuals as possible, to help save more lives
● We hope this will help equip people to carry out CPR if they ever witness the worst happening to a family member or friend
● Launched/Rolled Out/Introduced in 2022, RevivR app is free to download and can teach users CPR in just 15 minutes
● The app provides users with live feedback using a phone or tablet camera, advising on changes to speed, pressure, and movement
● If you or your place of work would like to hear more and maybe get involved, then please contact sefton@rightathome.co.uk.
We have already trained over 150 people in Southport and KGV Colleges, please contact us below if you would like to be part of something similar!!
At Right at Home Sefton we do all we can to support our Clients and their loved ones to live a healthy and active lifestyle. For more information on our Homecare Services in Sefton, contact us on 01704443344