Right at Home Solent's Dementia Support Programme: Meet Shirley
Right at Home Solent Provides Dementia Care at Home across Gosport, Fareham, Southampton and the New Forest
Published: 01/09/2023

Right at Home Solent: Dementia Support at Home
Right at Home Solent offer various Home Care services across Southampton, Fareham, Gosport and the New Forest. One of the services is our Dementia Support Programme; at Right at Home Solent, we offer at-home support for people living with dementia to provide our Clients and their families with an improved quality of life.
Living with dementia is a big challenge for everyone involved; remember that you do not have to embark on the journey alone. Right at Home Solent offers tailored dementia support services to help your loved ones live independently.
Meet Right at Home Solent's Dementia Support Specialist Shirley
Shirley started with Right at Home Solent at the start of 2022 and is one of our Dementia Support Specialists. Shirley retired in 2018 as a Primary School teacher, teaching little ones. As a teacher, Shirley enjoyed supporting her pupils, drawing out the best in them and making them feel valued; she misses them and how much they made her laugh. Fortunately, Shirley has a couple of Grandsons that make her laugh now! When Shirley applied for the Dementia Specialist role through our Facebook page, she was travelling to look after her Grandson once a week, so the flexibility and part-time hours we offer were perfect.
If you're interested in flexible hours that suit you, why not apply now? Our lovely recruitment assistant, Jazz, will be able to give you a call to discuss the role further.

Did You Know?
Shirley can speak Afrikaans and is currently learning Dutch. Shirley used to live in Cape Town, South Africa, and her family have recently moved to the Netherlands (which is why she is learning Dutch) - how talented!
Shirley also enjoys growing flowers and likes sharing them with people. She often took her Client, Mrs. B, to Garden Centres like Mayfield Nurseries; Mrs B loved touching the different flowers and finding out their names. Mayfield Nurseries on Weston Lane in Southampton (SO19 9HL) hosts various services, such as Mayfield's Men's Shed and Gardening for Dementia, amongst many others.
Dementia Support at Home
Having been with Mrs. B for over a year, Shirley built a spectacular relationship, getting to know Mrs. B's past and her family and looking through annotated photo albums together to help remember her memories. One of the most crucial aspects of the Dementia Support Programme is tailoring the service to the Client and paying attention to them as a person. Shirley recognised that since Mrs B had moved from her home in the New Forest to be closer to her family, she no longer knew her neighbours, so it was significant for them to go out and meet people, something Shirley focused on doing with Mrs B.
One of the events they attended together was a Singing for Memory event. Mrs. B once sang in a Church Choir many years ago and enjoyed musicals, so Shirley and Mrs. B went to see My Fair Lady at the theatre in January 2023. Shirley also bought her the DVD so they could both relive it and sing it any time!
It's important to us at Right at Home Solent to consider the interests and personalities of both Client and CareGiver when organising visits; it makes a big difference when building a relationship.

After a Dementia Diagnosis
After a diagnosis of Dementia, there are disheartening remarks and negative preconceptions like that person is unable to do things they used to do; this isn't necessarily the case. Mrs. B used to enjoy baking, but after a diagnosis of Dementia, it's easy to assume that this would end, but it was a momentous achievement Shirley made possible for Mrs. B.
They had a couple of sessions of baking over the winter period, and though Mrs. B felt she could no longer bake, Shirley was there to support her and break it down into more manageable steps; by the second time, Mrs. B's kinaesthetic skills kicked in and she was baking again.
With the correct support, manageable steps, and patience, Dementia doesn't have to be the end of a loved one's hobbies. Our Dementia Support Specialists take their time to learn about your Grandparents, your parents, and your loved ones so they can still enjoy their hobbies and life whilst living with Dementia.

Walk for Dementia
Mrs. B had a kind character and always complimented Shirley, which is a lovely confidence boost as many of our CareGivers often feel that what they do is mediocre when, in reality, it's truly inspiring and helps our Clients. She used to tell Shirley: All you CareGivers are so patient, which is true.
Shirley is fundraising for Dementia UK by walking 30 miles across September 2023, if you would like to donate please click the button below:
Right at Home Solent Care
Interested in the other services Right at Home Solent offer? Take a look and get in touch to discuss how we can help, you don't have to do this alone. Please feel free to contact us by phone at 01329 233755 or you can email us at solent@rightathome.co.uk.