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The hardest, but best decision you will ever make?

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Published: 20/03/2019

You are part of a generation that are becoming advanced citizens faster than any time in history. In 2016, 2% of the UK population was aged 85 or over, The Office for National Statistics projects that this will rise to 7% by 2066. This means that the number of people aged 85 and over in the UK will rise from 1.8million to over 5 million by 2066.

When you, or someone in your family, is approaching the point when full time care a reality, there are a number of roads that open before you; A care home, supported sheltered living, or perhaps employing your own carer. Another option you have, is the one I put forward, and that is to choose to have live in care provided by a company with the highest-quality management and compassion.

Please don’t misunderstand, of course, there are many well managed, excellent care homes and supported living options available. However, before making such an important decision, you should be armed with the facts and realities.

A recent survey by the UK Health Care Association (UKHCA) highlighted some eye opening findings.

Such as, you are three times more likely to suffer a fall in a nursing home than you are with live in care. Or that, half as many hip fractures occur in live-in care than they do care homes.

Even more shockingly, one in two people in nursing homes never leave, with live in care, this drastically drops to one in seven. And did you know that 98% of care homes have a ‘No Pets Allowed Policy’. Happiness is not a luxury and the emotional connection, therapeutic value and company of a pet is not to be underestimated.

The average cost of live in care vs a care home is actually very similar and when it comes to the cost for a couple, live in care is considerably cheaper.  As with everything in life, the cost can vary wildly depending on quality. The cost of a nursing home vs a care home is significantly more, while live in care is usually similar.

You may save money by employing your own live-in carer, however this can be high risk, as if it doesn’t work out could be a real nightmare. Leaving you to manage performance, potentially have gaps in care and sadly, be vulnerable to abuse, whether it be financially, emotionally or deprivation of liberty.

What is so great about staying in your own home?

You have choice and control. It’s all about you, the care is person centred and your routines and preferences are maintained to support you.

Routine, we all have our own regular routines and live in care offers the support that allows you to to remain in your home for as long as possible. Something which is especially important for people living with Dementia.

Peace of mind, having an experienced and highly trained carer in your home will help prevent falls, and ensure a prompt response to emergencies and accidents. Independence, you will be able to maintain relationships with family, friends, pets and neighbours in a relaxed environment that is familiar for everyone. For you, it’s about keeping up with hobbies, interests, daily activities and local community groups.

Finally, having managed carers,our carers are fully supported and managed by our local team. We employ carers directly and invest heavily in their training, we never use agency staff.

The hardest decisions can have the most powerful outcomes.

You can find out more here.