Congratulations Tina!

Published: 23/02/2024

Congratulations to Tina Bateson, our senior carer who celebrates seven years with Right at Home today.

Tina is a fantastic ambassador for our company and recently won a local care award for her support for Jordon Adams who is 28 and lives with severe spastic cerebral palsy.

In spite of his disabilities, Jordon loves performing and joined the Savvy Theatre group in Croydon where he was cast in a production of a A Night of Arabian Tales.

Tina worked with Jordan for three months in the run-up to the play’s opening night –much of it in her own time -to ensure Jordan was confident and felt supported. In fact, she got so involved she was given a part in the play itself.

Tina went out of her way to boost his confidence and allay his fears of not fitting into a cast, many of whom did not have his level of disability. She did this with patience, good humour and out of a genuine love for Jordon.

The first night was a triumph and Jordan and his fellow castmates put on a fantastic show which made all the parents in the audience very proud.