Tim’s on the radio

Published: 14/05/2024

Managing Director Tim Haigh was a guest on Epsom Hospital Radio on Sunday. DJ Donya Soliman quizzed Tim on what makes Right at Home, many people’s preferred care company in the Sutton and Epsom region.

“Simply put, it’s because we have a great team,” said Tim. “We couldn’t run a CQC Outstanding-rated agency if we didn’t have carers who, day in, day out, made sure their clients were as safe, happy and independent as possible in their own homes.

“I am very lucky to work with such a dedicated and committed group of people,” he added.

Donya was very interested to hear about Right at Home’s Hospital to Home service, which over the years has prevented many elderly patients from being readmitted to hospital soon after discharge.

“It’s absolutely vital that people being discharged have the right care package in place when they get home otherwise there is high chance their health will decline rapidly and they will find themselves straight back in hospital,” Tim explained.

“We liaise with the discharge team before they leave, ensure there is a person-centred care plan in place, arrange for mobility equipment to be delivered if needed, and there is fresh food in the fridge.

“But more importantly we know what ‘red flags’ to look out for so that we can prompt an early intervention in the home if our client’s health deteriorates.”