Keeping Active

- Bridgend & Vale of Glamorgan
- Information & Support
- Keeping Active
Keeping Active
Regular exercise has a whole host of benefits, such as protecting you from heart disease and stroke, high blood pressure, non insulin-dependent diabetes, obesity, back pain, osteoporosis, and can improve your mood and help you to better manage stress. There is also evidence to suggest that regular exercise can reduce the risk of falling in older adults.
Adults over the age of 65 should aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate activity per week. Ideally, you should try to do something every day, preferably in bouts of 10 minutes of activity or more.
Keep your brain active
As well keeping active through exercise, regular activity such as reading, writing and undertaking memory or strategic games can help to delay memory loss and even reduce the onset, or progression of Alzheimer’s disease. The health of your brain plays a critical role in almost everything you do: thinking, feeling, memory, playing and even sleeping. Research has found that keeping the brain active seems to increase its vitality and may build its reserves of brain cells and connections.
How can we help?
At Right at Home, we know how important keeping active is to staying healthy and happy. So, where possible, we support our Clients to get out and about in the local community and engage with others. Our friendly and trusted team of CareGivers can also accompany Clients on their holidays or day trips that are further afield, ensuring Clients continue to enjoy living their life to the full!