Meet our National Office Team

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- Eric Green
Eric Green
Group Financial Controller
Joining the Right at Home Support Office as the Group Financial Controller, Eric brings with him over 40 years of accountancy experience. He started out his professional career in world of audit and accountancy practice, gaining his ACCA qualification, before making the leap into the “real-world”. During his time, he has worked with a whole range of businesses from small SMEs to Multinational Conglomerates covering a range of industries including a Dairy Farmer Co-operative, a provider of Student Accommodation, a company constructing Water Treatment Plants across the globe, and, his previous position, with a provider of Forest-based Holidays. Along the way he has learnt many valuable lessons of what works and, sometimes more importantly, what doesn’t!
One of Eric’s passions is to help those non-financial team members gain a better understanding of the Dark Art of finance. He is a people person who enjoys getting to know those around them and what make then tick in order to provide the best service he can.
Outside of work Eric sadly has not grown up and still has a love of both Lego and X Box. In addition, he enjoys a good book and a movie (he does have a soft spot for a B-Movie and a RomCom). If you ever want to get on his good side just show him a picture of a dog and you will be his friend for life.
“I am looking forward to using my experience to help not only the Right At Home Support Office but the network overall. I will do my best to help make the business as a success for everyone. Never be afraid to ask…..I may not know the answer, but I may know someone who does!”