Festive Fun with Right at Home

Published: 16/12/2020

Supporting our Clients to stay safe at home this winter
Our Festive Spot the Difference Activity
With many of our Clients continuing to isolate at home due to the pandemic, we have put together festive activity packs. We hope to spread some Christmas cheer and provide some fun but mentally stimulating activities that can be completed at home.
The 24-page pack includes quizzes, a wordsearch, spot the difference, traditions from around the world and Christmas cracker jokes. There are also hands-on craft activities too.
In the run up to Christmas, we will be sharing activities from the pack on our social media channels. Take a look at our Facebook page, Twitter page or Instagram account to join in!
You can also download the festive activity pack by clicking here.
If you would like to know more about how Right at Home is supporting Clients to stay safe at home during the pandemic, please click here.
Our festive Spot the Difference Activity