Tips for Staying Safe this Halloween from Right at Home UK

Published: 31/10/2022

Halloween is many people’s favourite time of year. It’s great to see local children enjoying themselves while trick or treating, dressed in their best costumes! Unfortunately, Halloween can also be a concerning time for many of the older generation and vulnerable adults living alone at home - especially as nights are darker and people may be nervous about late-night callers. 

Client and CareGiver sitting down and speaking

5 tips for staying safe while home alone on Halloween

Halloween can be especially difficult for the elderly and those living alone. Here are five Halloween safety tips to follow if you are anxious about this spooky night of the year.

  1. If you have a door chain, try to keep this locked throughout the evening
  2. Look out the window or spy hole before answering the door to see who is there 
  3. Be cautious if there is a group of people on your doorstep
  4. Only open the door if you feel safe to do so. It’s fine to not answer the door if you don’t feel comfortable 
  5. Ask a friend, relative or your Right at Home CareGiver to keep you company during the evening

8 ways to keep yourself and young children safe and happy while trick or treating 

Halloween can be a dark and cold night so it's important everyone in your trick or treating group stays as safe as possible. Here are eight ways to ensure everyone in the group is smiling underneath their costume masks!

  1. Plan your route in advance and walk it the day before to assess the most well-lit areas and accessible paths 
  2. Arrange with friends to trick or treat in a group together so there is more than one adult with your group of children
  3. Buy or make Halloween costumes that are bright and reflective so your group can be easily spotted. You could also bring glow sticks and reflective tape with you to ensure you stand out as much as possible 
  4. Walk your route - don’t run - and stick to proper paths. This will ensure you prevent trips and falls and can cross the street safely
  5. Come prepared - bring water bottles, extra layers and torches. Also, make sure everyone in the group and their parents have your phone number so everyone can stay in touch
  6. Don’t go inside the house of someone you don’t know
  7. Set your location on your smartphone to ‘live’ and share it with friends or family who are staying at home
  8. If you are leaving your house unattended while you trick or treat, don’t post on social media until you are back as this is a way that trespassers sometimes keep track of empty houses

5 steps to take while trick or treating to ensure locals feel safe

We all want every member of our community to feel safe on Halloween, whether staying at home or trick or treating with friends and family. If you are going out for the evening, here are five steps you can take to reassure your fellow locals and help everyone have a great night.

  1. Be respectful to your community - some older people may not want to be disturbed on Halloween night. Try to only trick or treat at houses with Halloween decorations on display or a pumpkin outside, as that’s a sign they are happy to receive trick or treaters 
  2. Be scary but not too scary! Opt for a costume that isn’t so frightening it gives locals nightmares and don’t jump out at people as they open the door, as this will give them a fright 
  3. Keep noise to a minimum late at night 
  4. If someone doesn’t answer the door, leave them be and move on to the next house 
  5. Don’t visit homes more than once

At Right at Home, one of our biggest priorities is making sure people feel safe and comfortable in their own home. For more information on our high-quality homecare services, contact us today.