Right at Home supports British Heart Foundation’s live-saving mission during Heart Month
Care teams across the network collected donations to fund vital research, while raising awareness about heart disease throughout February

Published: 04/03/2024
Right at Home care teams across the country have been raising vital funds for the British Heart Foundation (BHF) throughout February.
The network embarked on a joint mission to mark Heart Month by collecting donations and raising awareness about heart and circulatory diseases, which cause around a quarter (27%) of all deaths in the UK – that’s more than 170,000 deaths per year.
From our amazing northern and Midlands-based teams in Ilkley, Derby and Telford, down to our incredible southern offices in Portsmouth and Bristol, everyone has put in a tremendous effort to support the cause.
Right at Home Director of People and Brand, Heather Wehrle, said: “Like us, the British Heart Foundation sees the value and importance in education and support for preventative measures to transform health outcomes and prolong quality of life.
“That’s why we’re proud to support the BHF in continuing their life-saving research through fundraising, while raising awareness on how the public can help save more lives, look after their own hearts and prevent heart disease.”
At National Office, we hosted an online quiz, bringing together multiple departments, from Quality and Compliance to recruitment and marketing, to join in with the fun.
Our support team, based in Liverpool, dressed in red and enjoyed homemade Right at Home and BHF-themed cakes to celebrate our second year of partnership with the charity. Together, we raised £50, which will go towards life-saving research.
Meanwhile, our franchise offices across the UK have come up with their own innovative ways to mark Heart Month.
Right at Home Portsmouth completed a ‘3K a day challenge’, where every team member walked, ran, cycled or swam at least three kilometres a day throughout February.
This was to honour the 170,000+ people who die from heart or circulatory disease every year in the UK - that's 480 each day and one every three minutes.
The staff have smashed their targets, showcasing their commitment to the cause. Gabrielle Turner, Right at Home’s Registered Manager, even took on the Winchester 10K, while CareGiver, Louise Scott, went the extra mile by running 10 miles all over Portsmouth city.
The team has raised £200 so far for the BHF, beating their original target of £150.
In Derby, Community and Digital Engagement Partner Jodie Hunt and Recruiter Julie Barsby got busy in the kitchen, making delicious cupcakes to sell to Clients and the wider community ahead of Valentine’s Day.
The pair sold several boxes of cakes and raised £100 for both the British Heart Foundation and Alzheimer’s Society.
Also in the Midlands, our Telford office team visited 50 businesses in three locations, handing out CPR facemasks and postcards to raise awareness about the BHF’s online RevivR tool.
The RevivR technology means you can learn CPR in just 15 minutes, using your phone or tablet.
Meanwhile, our offices in Ilkley and Bristol are planning to demonstrate CPR at upcoming community events in March.
Together, the Right at Home network will continue to support the BHF in its mission to not only prevent heart and circulatory diseases from developing, but also to help those with existing conditions to live longer, better quality lives.