Todmorden Older Person's Fair

Published: 17/10/2022
Right at Home Calderdale spent a brilliant day at Todmorden Older Person's fair on October 14th. The event was held at Todmorden Town Hall.
The event was a showcase for the support available for older people in Calderdale with various charities, local council and private companies showcasing the amazing support available.
Gemma had spent the day before getting the Right at Home cupcakes ready which proved very popular !! The day started early to get the stand ready but gave us an opportunity to meet some of the other companies before the main doors opened to the public and then it didn't stop before the event finished at 2pm.
My personal highlight was meeting Pat, the singing town crier of Todmorden. What an amazing woman and outfit and I can't wait to hear her in full voice one day !
It was just brilliant to spend some time in our fantastic community and part of the support network around our older people.